I'm guessing you're somewhere thinking about how it's August again. You're thinking back to the early nineties when your band suddenly became incredibly famous thanks to one very catchy, four chord, fame hunting anthem. You probably don't even know how much my roommate hates you, or how much I secretly(well, sometimes not-so-secretly) still thoroughly enjoy your self-hating, whiny verses about girls who don't love you or who love you too much. Actually, you're probably still asleep on the west coast.
And that, ladies and gentleman, is what you call a tangent. Perhaps you could say it was a rant. Either way, if you're going to continue reading this blog in the future you're going to have to get used to it. I tend to only blog when I am sleep deprived, and LET ME TELL YOU...I am one VERY sleep deprived individual.
So here we are...here I am...it's August. This month is going to be a very busy, very exciting, very scary month.
August 6th and 7th:

Forty-Two is taking over the bar scene in Eureka Springs. The 6th at The Squid and Whale. The 7th at The Rowdy Beaver. That's 8 hours of performing. I have trouble working 8 hours at my desk job. We'll see how we hold up.
Aug. 12th:

I will be this close to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. 2nd Row. Nashville. I am ready.
August 14th:

This young lady will be celebrating a very special birthday...Memphis style.
August 17th:

This young lady will be arriving back in town after a two month hiatus. Jeff style.
Late August:

Exciting developments. Poolboys reunion? Something even cooler than that?

There could potentially be some big changes in my life. Of course, everything could stay exactly the same.
Stay tuned.
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